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Vasili Papathanasopoulos


Image: Supplied.

Central Coast sister duo Isabelle and Dominique Morgan, known as MINIQ, have just served a fresh summer cruising track Space Cowboy.

Taking us to outer space, the sound on the track is reminiscent of what

you would expect to hear over a radio transmission from space. Produced and mixed by Simon Dobson and mastered by Brian Lucey, MINIQ bring their enchanting melodies to create and build the anticipation felt on a mission to the stars in our galaxy.

Dominique whose vocals opens the track, spoke about the meaning behind Space Cowboy “I was in a pretty toxic relationship that I finally ended and with no intention I met this Space Cowboy who swept me off my feet. Space Cowboy was his nickname because he was always getting loose and partying hard and for that reason, I thought that when we met it was nothing serious. In my head, he was hot and I was single but now, two years later here we are running a business together, saving for a house and are happy as Larry.“

Channelling Queens of the Stone Age, Nick Cave and Lana Del Rey, MINIQ are planning to tour Australia’s east coast, bringing their blend of indie-pop and rock after lockdown restrictions enable the duo to do so.

Space Cowboy is out now! Listen to the track below.


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